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The Globalworth Foundation donates 200,000 euros to help fight COVID-19

The Globalworth Foundation is donating 200.000 euros to the Romanian Red Cross to help fund medical supplies as well as logistical, human and material support to aid our country’s response to the threat of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The supplies acquired will go to the “Prof. Matei Balș” National Institute, the biggest medical institution for infectious disease in Romania, and the first line of defense in the COVID-19 emergency. The funding will help acquire vital items such as medical ventilators needed in intensive care units, disinfectant bottles, protective suits, safety goggles, single-use sanitary masks and protective gloves.

This donation comes in response to the public information campaign conducted by the Romanian Red Cross at a national level, aiming to contain the spread of the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which triggers COVID-19.

Caring for others has always been one of the Globalworth Foundation’s main priorities, and we are now needed more than ever. This new form of coronavirus has reached Romania and we are all at risk: our acquaintances, families, colleagues and friends. It is essential to follow all advice given by the authorities and, most importantly, to show solidarity. It is time to join forces and act as quickly as possible in this emergency, and the Red Cross has a clear plan in this regard. We wish to support it for the common interest and are confident that, together, we can limit the impact on our communities in Romania and Poland, as well as on the society in which we live”, declared Georgiana Iliescu, Executive Director of Globalworth Foundation.

The Globalworth Foundation’s primary objective in supporting the efforts of the Romanian Red Cross is to reduce the side effects on the health and social system, as well as the livelihood and well-being of the population. The contribution is intended to promote efficient involvement of the community and encourage behavioral change both within and outside of the business community.