We are happy to announce our first 2031 NOW Webinar, which will take place on Thursday, 25th of November, at 11 am in Bucharest / 10 am Warsaw. Architecture, urban planning and design students from Romania or Poland are especially invited to join an engaging conversation on the vision of our future cities together with renowned architects.
You will have the unique opportunity to meet our keynote speaker Helle Søholt – Founding Partner, CEO, Architect MAA, M. ARCH, Gehl People. She started the company with Professor Jan Gehl in 2000. Through her leadership, strategic and organizational talent, the office has developed a knowledge base and experience portfolio that is respected internationally in the field of urban design and urban development. Over the years of its existence, Gehl has been awarded multiple prizes and recognitions for their contribution to making cities more livable and sustainable around the world.
2031 NOW_Content webinar
25 November 10:00 Warsaw | 11:00 Bucharest
Keynote Speaker: Helle Søholt –
Founding Partner, CEO, Architect MAA, M. ARCH, Gehl People
11:00 – 11:05 / introduction / Françoise Pamfil, competition manager
11:05 – 11:10 / salutation and general view on Globalworth / Dimitris Pergamalis – Group Head of Construction & Development, Globalworth
11:10 – 11:15 / salutation and general view on Igloo – Habitat and Architecture Association / Bruno Andreșoiu, President of the association
11:15 – 11:30 / student participation encouragement / Jakub Szczęsny, architect, 2031 NOW jury member
11:30 – 12:10 / Cities and People Now / keynote speaker, Helle Søholt, Founding Partner, CEO, Architect MAA, M. ARCH, Gehl People
12:10 – 12:20 / Q & A
12:20 – 12:30 / closing
Everyone is welcome to attend the webinar. See below the connection details:
Topic: 2031 NOW’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Nov 25, 2021 10:00 AM Athens
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 4605 5043
Passcode: 143450